Are we? Are we really
going to do this?
Ok, fine. Yes, you
know me. Yes, I know you. And, yes, we are going to continue to stare
at our respective reflections in the 5:45 AM blackened window trying to figure out
if we really are who we look like.
Honestly, do I look that different? I’m still short and, as my ex-girlfriend says,
“deliciously curvy”. I do not look that
different. Ok, I cut my hair by about 18
inches; but my hair’s still pretty long.
It still hits my shoulders. And I
don’t wear it any different. But you’re
a guy so you wouldn’t notice that. Maybe
I’m spottier. Oh God! I have acne again. No, calm down, it’s just a minor break out
that he’s not noticing anyway because he’s a guy and you don’t have a massive
goiter sprouting from you’re forehead.
Do I? No, your iodine levels are
fine and goiters sprout from the neck anyway.
Oh. Yeah, “Oh”, calm down, you’re
not in 8th grade anymore. You
don’t think he’s cute anymore. He has
that vacant lax bro look in his eyes now.
You know that look, dumb ass, don’t pretend to look like you don’t get
it to the other half of your own consciousness. A) No one can that look. B) I
am partially you, don’t try to pull that shit.
Sorry. You should be. But I honestly don’t look that different, do I? No, you still look like the same girl the creepy,
zit-y guy wouldn’t kiss when you all played spin the bottle. Oh, ha ha.
But seriously, you don’t look that different.
So why don’t you recognize me, boy I’ve now been staring at
via window-turned-mirror for two minutes that I liked in 8th
grade. Holy god I’m creepy. I should just stop. Or maybe follow the Honesty Box advice I got
that same year. No, you moron, you should
not. That was written with horrible
syntax, worse than that which you employ yourself in your own mind. And you honestly can’t take seriously any
suggestion that you should “shot yurslf becuse yr a crepy lesbian and evryone knows
it.” Also, you’re not a lesbian; so the
suggestion’s void.
He’s looking at me again.
Same vacant, lax bro look. God
damn a vacant look can make you think so much…
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